ISO 20022 migration (CBPR+)

DZ BANK’s concrete implementation plan

ISO 20022 migration (CBPR+) at DZ BANK

Information for the exchange of messages with banks in the context of the changeover to ISO 20022 (MX) for cross-border payments and reports (CBPR+)

Since March 20th, 2023, cross-border payment messages via SWIFT are converted to an ISO 20022-based messaging (CBPR+ = cross border payments and reporting). It was the start of a multi-year coexistence period of MT and MX formats which will allow banks to already benefit from the richer, structured data of the XML standard, while other banks will use a longer transition period to switch from MT to MX. Passive accessibility for the MX formats is already mandatory since March 20th, 2023. All banks must have converted to ISO 20022 by the SWIFT release in November 2025 at the latest.

ISO 20022 migration (CBPR+): DZ BANK’s concrete implementation plan

Outgoing Messages

From the time of the changeover, DZ BANK exclusively sends messages to other banks in the new MX format (pacs.008 or pacs.009) for the current MT formats MT 103 (single customer credit transfer) and MT 202 (general financial institution transfer).

For the MT 9** messages listed in the table, no conversion to MX is planned for the time being.

For message types for which there is no translation into MX formats, MT messages will continue to be sent by default, e.g. MT 110, MT 190, MT 290.

Outgoing Messages

SWIFT MX pacs.002 pacs.008 pacs.009 camt.057 camt.053 camt.052 camt.053
SWIFT MT MT 012 MT 103 MT 202 MT 210 MT 940 MT 942 MT 950
DZ BANK Outgoing Messages
No outgoing MT 012 or pacs.002 will be sent MX format since 20.03.2023
MX format since
No outgoing MT 210 or camt.057 will be sent
MT format
MT format
MT format

Incoming Messages

For incoming messages, DZ BANK follows the SWIFT’s recommendation and offers a service-oriented transitional solution: Since March 20th, 2023, DZ BANK is able to receive messages in both MT and MX format. From the SWIFT release in November 2025 onwards, all banks must have switched to ISO 20022 and from then onwards only messages in MX format will be accepted.

Incoming Messages

Incoming Messages
MT and MX format accepted
since 20.03.2023

Our contact address for any enquiries or information in the context of the ISO 20022 migration (CBPR+) is: