Borderless euro payment traffic
Europe grows together
With the creation of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), the European markets are also growing closer together in payment transactions. A euro payment by credit transfer, direct debit or card payment in the SEPA area is simple, efficient and secure - to the benefit of businesses and consumers. Uniform standards and payment instruments throughout Europe shorten transaction times, ensure more transparency and minimise risks. Your company can also benefit from the increase in efficiency and a savings potential arising in connection with SEPA.
A Standard for Europe
Uniform standards and payment instruments shorten transaction times, provide more transparency and minimise risk. Your company can also benefit from increased efficiency and immense savings potential.
Transfer in seconds with instant payment
Electronic commerce takes place everywhere and at all times, even in the evening hours, at weekends and on public holidays. Consumers expect ever simpler and faster services. Companies want to be able to react flexibly, securely and quickly to the needs of their customers and business partners. Advancing digitalisation makes it possible to exchange data in a matter of seconds.
SEPA Instant Payments now also makes it possible to transfer funds from one account to another in real time - throughout the SEPA area.
Your advantages
- You benefit from a single payment traffic area in Europe with a uniform legal framework for both national and cross-border transactions in euro.
- Uniform payment formats for SEPA payment instruments (credit transfers and direct debits) bring more transparency and new opportunities. With SEPA, cross-border direct debits are now also possible.
- Cashless payment transactions such as transfers and direct debits in euros are just as easy, fast and inexpensive throughout the SEPA area as they are domestically.
Would you like to learn more?
We are of course at your disposal for detailed product questions. Please feel free to send us an e-mail at vertrieb.kunden@dzbank.de.