Sources of information
Tradable interest and credit products
DZ BANK is also active as a trader on the multi-dealer platform MarketAxess. If you are a MarketAxess user you can trade corporate bonds, Pfandbriefe and bank bonds with DZ BANK.
We also engage in active trading in government bonds and Jumbo Pfandbriefe on the multi-dealer platform TradeWeb.
Our institutional customers can trade Jumbos, government bonds, bank
bonds, corporate bonds and emerging-market bonds electronically with us
over the Bloomberg BondTrader ® platform. We also trade in interest rate swaps on the Bloomberg platform.
If you are already a Bloomberg customer, you still need an additional
agreement with us. You can obtain further information from your account
manager or the relevant sales staff at DZ BANK.
DZBK | Mainpage der DZ BANK Liquids / Liquide Produkte |
DZBB | Bank Risks / Bankbonds |
DZCT | Credit Trading / Corporate Bonds |
DZGB | Government Bonds / Staatsanleihen |
DZJP | Jumbos / Jumbo-Pfandbriefe Non Liquids / Illiquide Produkte |
DZNL | Non Liquid Fix Bonds / Illiquide Festverzinsliche Anleihen |
DZFR | Floating Rate Notes / Variabel verzinsliche Anleihen |
DZLC | Low Coupons / Niedrigverzinsliche Anleihen Swaps |
DZSW | Interest Rate Swaps / Zinsswaps Emerging Markets |
DZEM | Emerging Markets / Anleihen der Schwellenländer Further Information / Sonstige |
DZCP | EUR Commercial Paper |
DZDS | Short Term Derivatives |
DZRD | Roadshow |
<DZRETAIL> | Retails Trading / Privatkundenangebote (Gesamtübersicht) |
<DZBOND01> ... <DZBOND03> |
Low Coupon Bonds (Retail) / Niedrigverzinsliche Rentenpapiere (Privatkunden) |
<DZBOND04> | Zerobonds (Retail) / Nullkupon-Anleihen (Privatkunden) |
<DZBOND05> ... <DZBOND06> |
Genussscheine (Retail) / (Privatkunden) |
<DZBOND07> ... <DZBOND11> |
Further Bonds (Retail) / Weitere Rentenangebote (Privatkunden) |
<DZBOND12> ... <DZBOND17> |
Step ups and Callables (Retail) / Stufenzinsanleihen und kündbare Anleihen (Privatkunden) |
<DZFRA> | Derivatives / Derivate |
<DZFIXINCOME> | Bondmarket / Rentenangebot (Gesamtüberblick) |
<DZFRN01> ... <DZFRN03> |
Covered Floating Rate Notes (short) / Kurze gedeckte Floater |
<DZFRN03> ... <DZFRN05> |
Covered Floating Rate Notes > 2 years / Gedeckte Floater > 2 Jahre, Solva 10 |
US-Dollar Floating Rate Notes |
<DZFIX01> ff. | Bankbonds / Bankanleihen |
<DZKURZ01> ... <DZKURZ30> |
Money Market Bonds / Geldmarktpapiere |
Government Bonds / Öffentliche Anleihen |
<DZJUMBO01> ... <DZJUMBO20> |
Jumbos / Jumboemissionen |
<DZEURO05> ... <DZEURO14> |
Corporate Bonds / Unternehmensanleihen |
<DZEM01> ... <DZEM07> |
Emerging Market Bonds / Emerging-Market-Anleihen |
<DZOPT100> ff. | Warrants: currency/ interest rate/ equity / Aktien-/Fremdwährungs-/Zinsoptionen |
<DZSL01> | Repo/ Stock Lending (bonds & equities) / Wertpapierleihen |
<DZSTRUK001> | Structured Bonds / Strukturierte Anleihen |