DZ BANK's Voluntary Commitments and Memberships
Through voluntary commitments, we aim to contribute to sustainable development while promoting the implementation of sustainability at DZ BANK. We are also involved in various initiatives and memberships with a strong focus on sustainability in order to benefit from the exchange with other stakeholders.
Voluntary Commitments
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the world's largest voluntary initiative for responsible corporate governance and sustainable business practices. Since signing the UNGC in 2008, DZ BANK has been committed to respecting and implementing the ten principles of the UNGC. These principles cover the four topics of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
The Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) are a framework developed by the Finance Initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP FI) with six principles for responsible investments. UNEP FI aims to use these to support signatories in integrating sustainability into relevant business areas and systematically promoting the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). DZ BANK signed the PRB in April 2020.
The Equator Principles are a voluntary set of rules for complying with environmental and social standards in project financing with an investment volume of more than USD 10 million. These principles are applied worldwide in all industry sectors and are supported by around 100 global financial institutions. DZ BANK signed the Equator Principles in 2013.
The Green Bond Principles, published by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), provide guidelines for promoting and developing the green bond market. They recommend transparency and disclosure when issuing green bonds and strengthen the integrity of the market. The principles emphasise the tracking of proceeds from green bonds and their impact on the environmental impact of the projects financed. DZ BANK has been a member of the GBP since 2014 and has structured all of its own green bonds in accordance with the Green Bond Principles.
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has developed voluntary recommendations for climate-related disclosures. The TCFD's goal is to identify and disclose information that is needed by investors, lenders, and insurance companies to adequately assess climate-related risks and opportunities. In 2022, DZ BANK joined the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as a supporter.
The Net Zero Banking Alliance Germany is an association of several German banks under the leadership of the Sustainable Finance Cluster, which are committed to transforming their portfolios in line with the climate targets of the Paris Agreement. The participating financial institutions are aligning their investments and loans with the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. DZ BANK joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance Germany in 2021.
The voluntary commitment on climate protection aims to reduce the emissions associated with credit and investment portfolios and thus actively contribute to climate protection. The initiative aims to strengthen the financial sector's role in promoting a more sustainable economy and supporting global climate goals. DZ BANK signed the voluntary commitment to climate protection in 2021.
The Diversity Charter is the largest initiative for promoting diversity in German companies and was launched in 2006. By signing the Diversity Charter, DZ BANK is committed to an unprejudiced working environment in which all employees – regardless of age, origin, gender, abilities, religion, sexual orientation, or social background are valued.
DZ BANK participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an international organisation that helps companies disclose their environmental performance. By participating in the CDP, investors and other stakeholders gain important insights into our strategies and performance with regard to climate change and CO2 reduction. The CDP promotes transparency and responsible business decisions worldwide.
DZ BANK has been a partner of the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), an internationally recognised organisation that is working with over 100 partners from the financial sector to make the global bond market more climate friendly, since 2018. The CBI, which emerged from the Green Bond Principles, promotes the development and distribution of climate bonds to finance sustainable projects.
DZ BANK is a member of the ICC Commission on Environment and Energy, an initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce to promote dialogue on environmental and energy issues between global companies. The Commission, with over 300 partners from ten countries, represents the interests of its members. It develops priorities and tools for implementing climate and environmental protection strategies and offers solutions for sustainable strategies in member companies.
The 'Verein für Umweltmanagement und Nachhaltigkeit in Finanzinstituten (VfU)' is a network for sustainability finance professionals from more than 60 banks, insurance companies, capital investment companies and associations in the financial sector. It provides information and tools on sustainable finance for building expertise and promotes the exchange of ESG topics. In addition, the VfU supports application-oriented research in the field of finance and sustainability in collaboration with leading scientists.
Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany pools activities in the area of sustainable finance in order to make efficient use of financial market expertise and formulate specific approaches for sustainable financial markets. As a central point of contact for sustainability and climate-related issues, the Sustainable Finance Cluster promotes synergies and supports the transformation to a green and sustainable economy. DZ BANK has been a member of the Sustainable Finance Cluster since 2018.
The 'Sustainable Finance Beirat' is an independent multi-stakeholder platform that supports Germany's development into a leading sustainable finance location. It advises the German government on the further development and implementation of its sustainable finance strategy, under which the financial sector is to contribute to financial market stability and finance real economic activities for the UN sustainability goals, the Paris climate agreement and the Montreal nature conservation agreement. DZ BANK was appointed to the 'Sustainable Finance Beirat' in 2019.
The Association of German Public Banks (Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands, VÖB), as a central organisation of the German banking industry, represents the interests of 62 member institutions. The VÖB Sustainable Finance Commission regularly publishes strategies for the targeted alignment of sustainable topics in bank management. These recommendations discuss relevant regulations such as the EU taxonomy or the requirements for implementing ESG factors.
The 'Nachhaltigkeitsrat des Genosschenschaftsverbands' (Sustainability Board of the German Cooperative Network) aims to drive transformation by highlighting opportunities and empowering cooperative enterprises to consistently act sustainably.
The 'Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG)' (Sustiainable Investment Forum) is the professional association for sustainable investments in the German-speaking region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The FNG aims to network sustainable finance stakeholders and promote innovation and quality assurance. It seeks to publicise the latest information on sustainable investments and raise awareness of them. DZ BANK has been a member of the FNG since 2018.