Woman with glasses at the meeting table

Data protection information

for contact persons and interested parties

This privacy policy informs you about the manner in which we process the personal data you have submitted to us in your function as a contact person or as an individual interested in our products and services.

DZ BANK processes contact details of contact persons (employees) of its customers (primary banks, third-party banks, institutional customers, corporate customers) and from persons who contact DZ BANK (e.g. contact persons of potential customers) as well as from journalists who contact DZ BANK on behalf of their publications, for example, in order to conduct business communications with the relevant contact persons – which also serves the purpose of data protection –, to conduct the specific business transaction or respond to the specific enquiry and to meet any legal obligations in this regard. This also helps to ensure that data included in such communications does not fall into the hands of unauthorised persons.

In addition, DZ BANK processes information about which areas of business or topics the contact persons are responsible for and, if it receives this information, which tasks and decision-making authority the contact persons have. This also includes information concerning power of attorney or authorised representation (nature and scope of the authorisation) and signature samples. If it is necessary for the fulfillment of compliance obligations, e.g. for the prevention of money laundering or the identification of the acting person for a beneficial owner, further information such as identification data, data frompublic registers (commercial register, partnership register, company register,etc.) of the contact person may be processed.

If information is required for compliance reasons, to fulfil tax obligations or other legal requirements, DZ BANK may not enter into the business relationship or execute the transaction if it does not receive the required information.

The processed contact details of contact persons or other information relating to them will not be disclosed to third parties unless the specific business relationship requires such disclosure, e.g. in order to perform the customer’s order. No data will be transferred to a third country or an international organisation without a specific mandate or unless such data transfer is required for the performance of the contract with the customer for whom the contact person is acting.

Only if employees of customers of DZ BANK are served at its locations in third countries (e.g. USA, China) and business is transacted there for the customer, the contact details of the customer’s employees / contact person responsible for the respective business may be processed by DZ BANK at the respective location in the third country. 

In order to communicate with customers and conduct business on their behalf, DZ BANK requires data of contact persons. This data is usually provided to DZ BANK directly by the contact person, e.g. via a business card, contact form or e-mail address.

If we have not received your contact details directly from yourself, your employer, in some cases represented by your superior or predecessor, has provided them to us or your contact details have been taken from another source (e.g., the internet, imprint of homepage ...).

The legal basis for the processing of the above-mentioned personal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR (performance of a contract or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract), Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR (for compliance with a legal obligation) and Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (legitimate interest). The legitimate interest of DZ BANK AG is to endeavour to conduct business communication with the relevant contact person.


Right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you that is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.

DZ BANK shall then no longer process the personal data unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate interests for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject.


Further information on data protection, the retention period and your rights as a data subject can be found at www.dzbank.com/dataprotection


Current status July 2021


Contact information for data protection enquiries

Data protection officer, DZ BANK AG

Email address: datenschutz@dzbank.de



Platz der Republik

60265 Frankfurt am Main

Telephone: 069 74 47-01

Fax: 069 74 47-16 85 

Email address: mail@dzbank.de